Personalized Client Portal & Benefits

Secure Messaging Center: My clients have access to me by way of a secure, HIPAA compliant text messaging portal where they are able to message me outside of session. You do not have to wait an entire week until you see me again to ask me a question or share something with me you would like to focus on in our next session. The messaging center is not therapy, but a secure place to text me for general matters.

Client Portal Benefits:

Intake Documents Available Prior to your First Session

Set up Appointment Reminders (via text/email)

Secure Messaging between sessions

Shared Documents

Can make payments online

Fill out paperwork online

Access to Billing History

The ability to do online therapy from the comfort of your home throughout the state of California

Session Follow-Up Summary through Your portal

I provide my clients with a Session Follow-Up Summary through their portal. I do not keep my progress notes a secrete. This way, you don’t have to try and remember everything. You can access your notes at any time. I will share your assessments by way of your secure client portal, too, and interpret them for you.

Building a Health Team Network

I help you build a professional health team to assist in your treatment with me if needed.

Food / Mood Analysis

After our initial session, I will send you a 3-Day Food Journal For Mood to complete during the week and bring back to your second session. It provides a 3-5-day window into food habits and patterns and how a client links mood and energy to food quality, quantity, and timing. It provides me with a quick visual of the client’s nutrition and helps to identify initial places to start the change process to help enhance better mental health and emotional health and overall wellness. This tool is essential for assessing the contribution of diet to a clients mood and behavior.

There is no doubt that nutrition matters and affects our mental health AND peri-menopausal symptoms, as mood follows food. It can exacerbate mental health decline. As a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider, this is a part of my work with each client. Changing thoughts, beliefs, and habits happen slowly in therapy; however, changing nutritional beliefs and behaviors is no different.
